The Souper Bowl of Caring drive on Sunday, Feb 3 results are in!
The total collected was 72 cans and 5 bags of soup with an estimated value of $125. Our collection will be added to the Souper Bowl of Caring website.
The Heart of Hobe Sound
The Souper Bowl of Caring drive on Sunday, Feb 3 results are in!
The total collected was 72 cans and 5 bags of soup with an estimated value of $125. Our collection will be added to the Souper Bowl of Caring website.
DID YOU KNOW that in addition to the Book of Order, the other part of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church USA is The Book of Confessions which is a collection of creeds and confessions? The role of The Book of Confessions is to provide historical snapshots for biblical interpretation. It is also a historical statement of what we believe. At this time, there are 13 creeds and confessions. The first creed, the Nicene Creed, was written around 325 AD and was adopted by the Reformed churches following the reformation . Presbyterians are part of the reformed group. The Belhar Confession, which was adopted in June of 2014, is the 13th confession. Amending The Book of Confessions is a six year long process involving a General Assembly appointed committee, a study of the proposed amendment, and then a vote to send the amendment to the presbyteries. As with the Book of Order, copies of The Book of Confessions, past and present, are available for you to read here at the church. Ask Pastor Paul or a session member if you need help finding a copy.
The first Youth Service of the new year was held last Sunday, January 27. The theme for this 12 week Youth Ministry is from 1 st John, 4:4 “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.” You can see this printed on the T-shirt pictured below. The all-day rain couldn’t keep these young people from gathering together in fellowship with games and good food and worship.
Names will be removed from this list after three weeks unless a request is made to keep them on. This request should be made to Diane Atkisson in the church office. Phone – 772-546-5043, email –
WHEN YOU WANT TO MAKE A PRAYER REQUEST: To request prayers through the Prayer Circle, for yourself or someone else, contact Jan Norrish, 772- 486-5514,, To have a prayer request included in the Church Sunday bulletin and the MESSENGER, fill out the prayer request card found in the Church pews or contact Diane Atkisson in the church office. Phone – 772 546-5043, email –