Did You Know-tice?

DID YOU KNOW-tice that the paraments were white last Sunday?  White is used for special days in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.  White symbolizes purity, holiness and virtue, as well as respect and reverence.  The paraments changed to white in celebration of Transfiguration Sunday, which is the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.  Transfiguration Sunday is a time to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord in which Jesus transitioned his ministry to “set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51), where he would die.  In celebrating this event, we rejoice in the divine majesty of Christ, whose glory shone even when confronted with the cross.  It is given to us to reflect upon as we journey through our own Lent towards the agony of the cross and the victory of the empty tomb.  We celebrate this mystery in order that our own faith be renewed in this journey.

The paraments changed to purple on Ash Wednesday and will remain purple until Good Friday.  Purple marks the seasons of penitence and preparation.  It signifies the feeling of sorrow for our sins, and symbolizes suffering and mourning.